Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Bretonnian WFB Army

Bretonnians were an army I was always fascinated by. Perhaps this was due to growing up on some unhealthy amount of viewing movies like Excalibur, Braveheart, and in later years Kingdom of Heaven (director cut which was a much better movie), and getting my dirty mits on games like Medieval Total War (and now MTW2).

Bretonnians first grabbed my attention back in 5th edition with the awesome Michael and Alan Perry sculpts, but for one reason or another I never got around to purchasing many models in the range. Which was something that I later regretted.

With the 6th edition release I went about building up a small Bretonnian army based on the Order of the Knights Templar, with a few Hospitaller allies for pure cosmetic reasons. Something was still missing though. I definitely liked the new barded horses, they were definitely the goods, but something just wasn't right... I still wanted those Perry models. My collection wasn't going to feel complete until I got them.

I'm now in the position where I have managed to get my hands on a fair amount of these models that I grew to love well over 10 years ago, through sales in the WTS Thread here on WAU as well as Fleebay.

So I'm overhauling my entire range. My Templar contingent will remain as it is, although it will get a few fix up jobs along the way. I'll still be using those models in larger games.
As for my new purchases, and a few repainted units, they will loosely be based (for pallet purposes only) on a Medieval English army set somewhere around the rein of the Three Edwards. This gives me a pallet of predominantely Red and Yellow to work with, whereas the Knights will get a pallet of Red, Yellow, Blue and Cream (Blue and Cream which Edward the Third's adopted to support his claim to the French throne) to add a little variety and differentiate them from the lesser foot sluggers.

So here goes...


I wanted these guys to look like the absolutely disorganised pathetic mob their stats reflect. Their equipment would be in bad condition, the weapons would be whatever was available at the time (hence a few pitchforks) and the standard had to look like no-one in their right mind would see any value in capturing it.


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